
ThaiSim: The Thai Simulation and Gaming Association


ThaiSim is an international professional association for
students, teachers, trainers, researchers, practitioners and other professionals all over the world.

Its aim is to enable and promote the sharing of expertise in the field of
simulation, gaming, role-play, serious games and experiential methods
for teaching, learning, development and assessment.


ThaiSim 2018 Conference



The principal objective of the association is ‘to promote the effective and responsible use of simulation, games and experiential learning activities, particularly in education, training, research, assessment and development’.

ThaiSim seeks to answer questions such as:

  • What roles can simulation and gaming play in learning, teaching, development and assessment?
  • What are the most effective ways of using simulation and gaming, including proper debriefing to help participants turn experience into learning?
  • In what ways do simulations and games lead to more effective learning, teaching, development and assessment?



  • holds an annual conference both in English and Thai
  • publishes the ThaiSim Newsletter
  • maintains a professional news & discussion group here
    This is a low volume group, so please join.
  • runs occasional seminars for teachers by international outstanding researchers.
  • publishes an international, peer-reviewed journal - SGLD
  • has adopted Simulation & Gaming: An Interdisciplinary Journal
  • is an affiliate of ISAGA (International Simulation and Gaming Association) -

ThaiSim was established by both Thais and foreigners, in August 2008. If forcuses both international contribution to Gloval Gaming Culture and also to elevate up Gaming Culture in Thailand.

For more information about ThaiSim, please click here.

Learning and development

Education, learning, development, sustainability, sufficiency, balance, responsibility, respect and moderation, peace, humanitarian values, and Buddhist values are at the heart of ThaiSim.