ISAGA2018 Call for Papers
2nd Announcement
Theme: Active Learning and Neo-Simulation & Gaming: Sharing Wisdom
Date: 13th (Friday) July 2018
Venue: Faculty of Fine Arts, Mahidol University, Salaya Campus, Nakorn Pathom, Thailand
1. Purpose
Learning in the 21st Century is an active process in which student-centered, self-directed, personalized and peer to peer approaches are critical to the future of education. Nowadays, students of all ages are eager to be engaged in the learning process. The traditional models of knowledge transfer from an expert teacher to a student in a formal classroom environment have been replaced by technology support.
The theme of ISAGA 2018 is “Active Learning and Neo-Simulation & Gaming: Sharing Wisdom” and its aim is to bring together a multi-disciplinary gathering of practitioners and researchers from public and private sectors to share their experiences and insights into the role and projected future of the latest simulation and gaming applications applied to the domain of learning and development. ISAGA 2018 itself will employ neo-simulation and gaming within the conference as a practical and engaging experience that aims to provide a lasting learning legacy for all its participants.
2. Areas of Interest
Any areas related to simulation and gaming. See examples below:
a. Design of S/G (Simulation & Gaming) in board games, card games, and other formats and approaches
b. Facilitation & Debriefing of S/G
c. S/G to test and develop theories in social science and variety of domains and applications
d. S/G for practical design of environmental, social, industrial, and political projects and applications
e. S/G for crisis management, risk management, and natural disaster management
f. S/G applications in language, communication, science, history, business management, logistics, supply chain, and other disciplines
g. S/G in active learning, experiential learning, skill development, and learning outcomes
h. Applications of S/G in computer-assisted, internet-based, AI-based, and other cutting-edge technological platforms
i. Experiences in using S/G in South East Asia
3. Types of Contribution
a) Full Paper
b) Thematic Session
c) Workshop
d) Poster
4. Publications
1) Abstract & Program Book: All Contributions (Paper, Thematic, Workshop, and Poster) must be submitted as abstracts on a one A4 page (one A4 page is preferred but two pages are maximum) for first screening in the conference before 31 December 2017. All accepted abstracts will be included in the isaga2018 program book.2) Conference Proceedings (pre-proceedings): If presenters wish to publish their full papers in the conference proceedings (pre-proceedings) of ISAGA2018, they have to submit their full papers manuscripts (8 pages maximum). All full papers must conform to the Springer format as described in the link below:
The papers will be subjected to two blind reviewers, and the evaluation results will be sent to all presenters. All accepted full papers will be published in the ISAGA2018 Conference Proceeding. 3) Book by Springer: All accepted full papers that are published in ISAGA2018 Conference Proceedings will be considered for publication in the Post-Proceedings, a book published by Springer. The presenters may need to correct or rewrite their papers according to the review results and send their revised papers to the conference before 30 September 2018. The editors will select high quality papers for publication. See process of submission below.
• “Simulation & Gaming: An Interdisciplinary Journal” (Sage Publications)
Program Committee Members
- Dr. Precha Thavikulwat, Towson University, USA (Professor of Management & Associate Editor, Simulation & Gaming)
- David Crookall - Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis (UNS), France
- Dr. Paora Rizzi, DICEAA, University of L’Aquila, Italy
- Dr. Vinod Dumblekar, MANTIS, India
- Dr. Hidehiko Kanegae, Ritsumeikan University, Japan
- Dr. David Wortley, Serious Games Institute, United Kingdom
- Dr. Ryoju Hamada, Thammasat University, Thailand
- Dr. Suwat Thunyaros - Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya Trang, Thailand
- Dr. Songsri Soranastaporn, Mahidol University, Thailand
Date and Venue
Date: 9 - 13 Jul 2087
Venue: Faculty of Fine Arts, Mahidol University, Salaya Campus, Nakorn Pathom, Thailand